Becky O. Peleowo
6 min readJun 19, 2024
Alabaster Box

Publishing for the First Time!

(A Book Proposal)

Book Title: Alabaster Box

Subtitle: An Anthology of 20 Inspiring Stories



Who bears the brunt for people who have been scarred by unpleasant unprecedented, events in their lives?

An excerpt from “Throes” (A proposed story for the book)

“…The memories are all coming back to her. That night he had made her tipsy and replaced himself with the lecherous Jared. Jared slept with her instead of her husband. She could not believe it. The lights were out and she knew she felt different that night but she was too intoxicated to think straight. She never imagined she would be in bed with the man she detested most in her life. And now, having forced himself on her, he is forcing his child on her too. Never! She would never accept this as hers. Let Terhile and Jared share the responsibility of the baby. She will never have anything to do with it or Terhile or Jared. They all stink to her. Another bout of pain nudged at her womb again. The nurse said her womb was contracting but she knew this pain came from the ache in her soul…”

Introductory Background

The book title is inspired by the story of a supposed immoral woman and her Alabaster Box in the Holy Bible. The woman brought an Alabaster Box to clean the feet of Jesus Christ even when she was considered an immoral woman and not worthy to touch his holy feet but she received redemption from Jesus himself and began her life-changing experience.

The stories in the book are reassurances to people who are negatively tagged in society that what they are called doesn't have to be the definition of who they really are. It appeals to the conscience to answer questions that would rather be avoided.

  • What would you do if you were in their shoes?

It calls for compassion in the face of judgment and empathy in place of prejudice.

The book is a strong belief in second chances for people who have fallen, have been scarred in the society or are victims of unpleasant experiences. It is the hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel.

An Overview of Some Proposed Stories for the book:

Alabaster Box would have 20 stories that are based on different people who have one or two imperfections and therefore seek validation from family, the society, religious houses, and various communities where humans exist. It has a Christian undertone as is seen in the title and the message is liberation of the soul from burdens that are depressing.

It's a call to focus on improvement and growth rather than the imperfections that make one feel less human. Below are summaries of some of the stories:


A woman who has been raised to find fulfillment only in marriage discovers that the institution is the opposite of the fairytales they are painted to be. After futile years of trying to conceive, she finally had her prayers answered only to discover the baby wasn't her husband's. Will she be able to recover from these persistent problems in her life?

Married Again?

The Nigerian community is not tolerant of divorce and remarriage especially for women. Many spiritual implications are attached to this anomaly and Rachel finds herself entangled in marital issues that keeps her searching for love and now she's married for a third time. Will she finally find the peace she desires?

Hidden Millionaire

When a Nigerian lady who has come of age is unable to attract a bachelor who's ready to pop the much awaited question, she's in deep trouble with her family. Everyone thinks she's a slut especially when they see how expensive she lives. Did Ewa finally find love?

A Christmas Breakfast

Amalhe is shocked to find out that the man she had trusted her whole life as her husband was indeed a beast. He not only made her miscarry her babies without her knowledge but also was also getting satisfaction from punishing her for the sins of others. Will she ever be free of this monster of a husband?

Taming the Thug

Agbero is not the regular kind of guy. He was born a lout but he had a beautiful soul. He was willing to make a change for love and start afresh but will the political Mafian System he works for allow him to live a normal life again?


A mentally distressed man whose love for animals in distress finally finds love but is unable to sustain it. Maya ignores all the repelling traits that shelled her boyfriend to reveal a beautiful soul she never imagined would exist behind the shell.

Who's Buchi’s father?

In an age where man questions the paternity of their children, a woman finds suicide as an option for her entanglement in a desirable extramarital affair and paternity issue with a husband who doesn't give her the value she desires.

Second Hand Wife

Torn between myths, traditions and beliefs on marriage, Morohunfola, modern Yoruba woman tries to convince her over-protective mother-in-law that she’s the right choice for her son but the unbending woman wants no second-hand wife for her son. Who wins this battle?

All’s Fair in Love and War

An albino lady struggles with stereotypes and fights for students’ rights as an SUG president. She is caught between finding true love and fighting for human rights. In a society that has low appreciation for an albino, will justice always prevail in her fight? Can anyone truly love an albino without stigmatization?

Primary Audience

African Women and Girls

It is a fact that women are one of the most vulnerable in society. In Nigeria, many are blinded and incapacitated by culture and traditional beliefs. Some are the victims while others are the predators. This book targets women between the ages of 18- 60 as the primary audience because in African society, women are more stigmatized than men and women stigmatize their fellow women more than men.

Secondary Audience

Men, boys, and people from dysfunctional homes

It is often downplayed that men can be victims too. They can be victims in marriage, victims of social stratifications, victims in dysfunctional homes and victims of circumstances. Some proposed stories like “Taming the Thug”, “When love treats you like shit”, talk about men as victims.

Boys are also secondary targets as research shows that the ideology a child grows up with tends to form their opinions and influence their decisions.

Lovers of Short Stories

Short Stories are becoming a thing these days because they meet the needs of quick reading in a time-consuming society. Hence, this book will cater for the needs of lovers of short, inspiring stories.

Readers’ Benefits

This book is to its target audience, a clarion call to action. It is a book of hope to the depressed and a burning fire in the heart of the zealot. It is aimed at entertaining, informing and persuading the reader that life should not always be seen in black and white when sensitive matters are at stake. There are many colours between the two shades and an understanding of that is the beginning of creating a better world.

This book will give its readers a clearer understanding of what it means to be stigmatized. It will evoke the right feelings for change in the heart of the readers.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

On why this book will sell, I believe that the stories in Alabaster Box touch areas that society doesn’t often talk about. It lays bare, the wounds of the victims in the face of the public, so that discussions bordering such matters could be brought alive again.

Length of Manuscript, Writing Strategy/Tools and Completion Time

The manuscript of this book will be about 200-300 pages typed with Microsoft Word/Docs. About 12 stories have been written for the book. With a target of writing a paragraph per day/ or a story in a week, the 20 stories are expected to have been completed in about three months, most likely September. Efforts will be made to begin reviewing and editing by September while communication is ongoing with the chosen publisher.

Traditional publishing would be used when this book is ready to go to bed. With the help of a few connections in the publishing field, this should be achievable before the end of May 2025.

I prefer traditional publishing for this book because it is my first publication and I believe an experienced publisher would give it the adequate publicity to carve a niche in the writers' sphere.

Author’s Platform

Currently I make blogs on the Nircle App, Medium App, writers’ forums and the social media to publicize my stories. Check out the following pages and social media handles:

Author’s Biodata

Becky Oludayo Peleowo is a fiction writer, poet, fashion enthusiast and a lover of good music and tasty dishes. She lives in Lagos with her family where she also tutors children in learning Yoruba and French languages.

Becky O. Peleowo

I'm passionate about writing on love, family, motherhood, food, health, life, fashion and productivity.